25 minutes about Yerevan
We plan to not have an unrenovated kindergarten in Yerevan in two years (VIDEO)
During the program, the overhaul of the capital's kindergartens, the reforms to be made, the problems in the polyclinics, their solutions, etc., were discussed.
Finally, the issue of transport has been somewhat settled (VIDEO)
During the program, reference was made to the construction "boom" in Yerevan, the "Old Yerevan" project, investment programs in the capital, and the issue of creating a new landfill.
In addition to the "Golden Apricot," Yerevan Municipality intends to finance the short film festival this year (VIDEO)
During the program, the speaker reflected on the cultural problems in the city and his ideas on how to solve them.
Yerevan is moving to the stage of building community shelters for animals (VIDEO)
During the program, reference was made to the works done and to be done by the community institution, the creation of shelters and the existing conditions, the lack of laws necessary for animal protection, and the process of their adoption.
Is there any spirit in Kond today to keep the old and create the new (VIDEO)
During the conversation, reference was made to the fates of buildings and districts with and without historical and cultural value.