11 December 2023, 9:00
Weather without precipitation is expected
The wind is southwest, 2-5 m/s. The air temperature will not change significantly.
10 December 2023, 9:00
Precipitation is expected; air temperature will not change
The wind is southwest, 2-5 m/s. The air temperature will not change significantly.
9 December 2023, 9:00
Precipitation is expected in the coming days
The wind is southwest, 2-5 m/s. The air temperature will not change significantly.
8 December 2023, 9:00
Weather without precipitation is expected
The wind is southwest, 2-5 m/s, on December 10; wind intensification is expected in some regions, 15-18 m/s. The air temperature will not change significantly.
7 December 2023, 9:00
Precipitation is expected in some regions; air temperature will rise
The wind is southwesterly at 2-5 m/s; on December 10-11, wind intensification at a 15-18 m/s speed is expected in some regions. The air temperature will rise by 8-10 degrees in the afternoon of December 7.