Արման Գալոյան
Time to fly away from politics
Please pay attention to his statement. On the one hand, Manukyan admits that in the event of a war with Azerbaijan, Armenia has no allies, but, despite this circumstance, it must fight "fight to the end."
The time factor in politics, or how rhetoric changes
As sad as it is, adventure has won over realism. And judging by the speech in the public arena, not everyone understood these simple truths.
Instead of apologizing for past irreparable mistakes, Oskanian wants full powers
"Full powers" are wanted by a person whose 10-year term in office has caused irreparable losses to Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh negotiation process.
The Degradation of Political Thought from David Babayan to Cardinal Richelieu
Instead of gossiping, reminding the world of the good done unnecessarily, and making demands on the planet, they would give themselves a little trouble and move according to the world's laws, trying to harmonize their interests with the interests of others.
And who will appear from heaven and solve our problems?
Therefore, we need the restoration of political immunity and the basis for forming immunity of a new quality in practice. He said there is a need for a substantive conversation about politics, political phenomena, and the restoration of stable confidence in them.