
Macron may resign. Europe 1

Referring to its source, Europe 1 radio station reports that French President Emmanuel Macron is discussing with his entourage the possibility of leaving the position of head of state if the "rights" win in parliamentary elections.

Europe 1 claims that the president does not prefer resignation, "although this prospect should serve in this campaign to dramatize the upcoming elections."

"The president's resignation is not taboo. Yes, today we have to consider all scenarios," the radio station quoted one of Macron's relatives saying. He is ready to sacrifice his five-year term."

Europe 1 claims that Macron himself discussed this "extreme scenario" with one of his interlocutors in recent weeks.

Another strategy the president may choose, if he wins the parliamentary elections, is coexistence in power with the right-wing "national unification" to "prevent the failure of that party's policies until 2027," when the country is due to hold presidential elections.