
"The concept of constitutional amendments has been sent to the government." minister

RA Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan referred to the amendments to the constitution.

In a briefing with journalists, Minasyan said the Prime Minister brought new ideas to the public discussion.

"We have a preliminary new concept that we have sent to the government; now we are waiting for the meeting of the prime minister and the commission, the constitutional council, after which we will present through public awareness whether there are changes in our directions and what we plan," he said.

According to the minister, the constitution's preamble has yet to be discussed. "Apart from the part that was in the press, there were no other discussions, and as a result of ideological brainstorming, the constitutional reform council will present to you what new directions we will plan," he said.

According to Minasyan, internal work is being carried out. "The articles in which we noted problems are being internally monitored and analyzed, but the constitutional reform council met once, and we decided to discuss the prime minister's proposals."