12 August 2024, 9:00
Short rain and thunder are expected in some regions
Weather without precipitation is expected on August 16.

12 August 2024, 7:58
Earthquake: 9 km northwest of Martuni
The strength of the underground shock in the epicentral zone was 5-6 points.

11 August 2024, 9:00
The air temperature will drop by 3-5 degrees
Wind intensification is expected in the evening at a speed of 17-21 m/s in the Armavir, Kotayk, and Aragatsotn foothills.

10 August 2024, 9:00
Weather without precipitation is expected.
Weather without precipitation is expected in Yerevan on August 10, 13-14.
9 August 2024, 15:59
I am glad I can uphold the honor of the Armenian and Yezidi nations. Malkhas Amoyan
Wrestlers Artur Aleksanyan and Malkhas Amoyan, the medal winners of the 33rd Summer Olympic Games in Paris, and runner Yervand Mkrtchyan were hosted by the "Olympic House of Armenia," which operates in the capital of France. They met with representatives and fans of the Armenian community.