3 January 2023, 9:00
Weather without precipitation is expected
Weather without precipitation is expected in Yerevan on January 3-7.

2 January 2023, 9:00
The air temperature will rise by 3-5 degrees
In the afternoon of January 1, 2-6, weather without precipitation is expected.

1 January 2023, 21:24
Important cultural events of 2022 (PHOTOS)
The large-scale events of cultivation in the republic in 2022.

1 January 2023, 0:07
"Our response to new security challenges is asymmetric," Prime Minister's message
Thanks to these additional budget funds, in 2022, we served 786,000 cases of state-ordered health care, which is more than double compared to 2017, by 437,000 cases or 125 percent more.
1 January 2023, 0:00
Happy New Year - 2023
Welcome to 2023!