5 January, 9:00
The air temperature will rise
Weather without precipitation is expected in the regions on January 6, January 7-9 afternoon.

4 January, 22:57
How many leopards live in Armenia?
An animal knows no boundaries.

4 January, 22:02
Palawan: the miracle of nature and culture (PHOTOS)
Radar Armenia presents the best islands in the world, where you can organize your vacations with sea pleasures, gourmet dishes, and other interesting entertainment.

4 January, 15:29
How many playgrounds were built in the capital?
According to the 2024 plans of the administrative districts, what works of street repair, yard improvement, and playground construction have been carried out?
4 January, 13:30
How many trees were planted in Tavush?
Several times more trees were planted in Lori in 2024.