
The Trump administration will deport families of illegal immigrants

US President-elect Donald Trump's administration will deport families of illegal immigrants, including parents whose children were born on American soil, said Thomas Homan, the Trump administration's incoming border security coordinator.

In an interview with the Washington Post, he said that the new American authorities intend to deport the parents, giving them the option to leave, leaving the child behind or taking them with them.

"The problem is why. are in the country illegally and have children. So you're putting your families in this situation," Homan said.

The future official of the Trump administration added that the United States will return to the practice of detaining families of illegal immigrants with children. For this purpose, separate temporary buildings with "soft" living conditions will be built.

"We must show the Americans we can do it and not be inhumane. We cannot lose the American people's faith," said Homan.