
About 100 French officials asked Macron to send armed forces to Armenia

Le Point reports that around 100 French celebrities and politicians have appealed to French President Emmanuel Macron to send French armed forces to Armenia.

Élisabeth Badinter, Laurent Wauquiez, Anne Hidalgo, Roger-Pol Droit, and others signed the appeal to Macron. The letter mentions that this step should be taken due to tensions in Azerbaijan.

The letter's authors state that they want to draw attention to a situation related to Armenia's survival.

"We are aware of your commitment to this subject and the humanitarian, political, and diplomatic efforts that France is making under your mandate to help this friendly country. We thank you for your initiative to provide military assistance of a defensive nature to this country by allowing the delivery of certain weapons," the letter reads.

However, these efforts may not be enough to resist the criminal projects of the Aliyev administration.

"Enjoying a military advantage, gained especially thanks to its gas and oil revenues and the support of the Turkish state, Azerbaijan is more than ever tempted by the option of military escalation. It will be a terrible failure for humanity, and therefore also for France, Europe, and all the powers that work to respect international law and the victory of justice over force," the letter states.

Officials asked Macron to prevent the danger while there is still time.

"That is why we are asking in these lines to send French military force to this sister nation—a peace contingent whose effective presence will be aimed at deterring those who would think of attacking Armenia. Our army has already carried out a peacekeeping mission in several countries, contributing to humanitarian operations," the letter states.