
Zelensky arrived in Germany to participate in the international conference dedicated to the reconstruction of Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz plan to address the Bundestag after the conference opens and hold meetings with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Bundestag President Bärbel Bas.

The Recovery Conference begins a series of summits dedicated to Ukraine. After that, the G7 summit will take place in Italy, and then the peace conference will be held in Switzerland.

During Zelensky's arrival in Berlin on the evening of June 10, the 147-meter radio tower in Berlin was lit up in the colors of the Ukrainian flag as a sign of solidarity with Ukraine.

Today, police and ambulance cars are on duty near the Waldorf Astoria Berlin hotel. Ukrainian President Zelensky and other government representatives from various countries stayed there last night.