
"We don't block CSTO decisions but don't participate in them either." Pashinyan

RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan gave an interview to one of the Greek periodicals. Pashinyan addressed issues of regional security, peace, Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations, and the "Crossroads of Peace" project. He also referred to the relations between official Yerevan and the CSTO.

"The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), in our assessment, has not fulfilled its security obligations to the Republic of Armenia, especially during 2021-2022. The practical result of this CSTO policy is that we have frozen our participation in the organization. As of September 2023, we do not have a permanent representative in the CSTO and do not participate in the CSTO high-level negotiations. However, we do not block CSTO decisions, and we do not participate in them.

Armenia is open to establishing and developing mutually beneficial relations with all partners and has a clear position regarding the establishment of stable and lasting peace in the region. For this purpose, we are diversifying our relations on security issues," Pashinyan said.