NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that "the Caucasus is not so far from Ukraine, where Russia is waging a large-scale aggressive war that is important for all of Europe."
According to him, NATO strives further to develop partnerships with the states of the Caucasus. "The Caucasus is also not so far from Ukraine, where Russia is waging a large-scale aggressive war that has implications for all of Europe. It is important for the Caucasus. If President Putin wins in Ukraine, it will be a challenge not only for Ukrainians but also dangerous for all of us, including Azerbaijan and NATO allies, because it will be a kind of message to President Putin. Allegedly, using military force, he can get what he wants. In other words, he will see that the flagrant violation of international law—the invasion of another country, justifies him, which will increase the possibility of using force for anyone who wants to in the future. Therefore, it is in the interests of us, NATO allies, as well as Azerbaijan and many other countries of the world, to prevent the victory of President Putin," said Jens Stoltenberg.