
"We must send a clear message to those who think they can act with impunity." Senator's letter to the Secretary of State

Chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ben Cardin, sent a letter to the US Secretary of State, calling on the administration of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to be held accountable for the ethnic cleansing carried out in Nagorno-Karabakh. He also proposed to continue US support to the forcibly displaced Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The senator was also reminded of Baku's blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh, then the September 19 attack, the murders of Armenians, and the forced displacement of the population. In addition, the letter mentions numerous reports of extrajudicial killings of Armenians by Azerbaijani forces and the well-documented practice of destroying Armenian cultural property in areas under Baku's control. It attempts to erase Armenian history and culture.

"We must send a clear message to those who think they can act with impunity," the senator wrote.