
Some circles are resorting en masse to destructive media terror methods. Arsen Torosyan

A note from Arsen Torosyan, Chairman of the NA Health Committee:

We are facing a reality where certain circles, unable to present even plausible counterarguments against the various policies we pursue, massively resort to destructive media terror methods to remind us of their existence and, in essence, undermine the foundations of the state.

These methods include distorted information and absurd manipulations, such as the dance of the "Azerbaijanis," the spread of the opponent's forgeries, speculation on banking secrecy, the Masisov signature, the Telcel ticket, the bus number, the theme of the RA flag, and other artificial noises.

Moreover, this propaganda campaign is often carried out simultaneously in different directions, so we do not manage to dispel the public's doubts with accurate information. This is also part of this mediator's "strategy," which aims to undermine public trust and weaken state institutions.

The most interesting thing is that recently, not only unknown Telegram channels, armies of fakers and bloggers, but also classic ("classic") political parties and figures have joined this media terror. This is the most striking evidence of their political bankruptcy and powerlessness.

This situation tends to escalate, especially on the eve of elections, so we must make additional efforts to confront this campaign. This is not just a matter of our political position; it is directly related to the stability of our state and the preservation of democracy.

Resisting it will be difficult but inevitable and feasible.