
But we are still talking about whether it is right to leave the CSTO or to stay there. Vahram Atanesyan

Vahram Atanesyan, a former member of the Central Committee of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh National Assembly, wrote on his Facebook page:

"Do you remember Levon Ter-Petrosyan's speech at the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR? "The center is dead, and no amount of resuscitation will help it."

Now it is CSTO. there isn't, it won't be. But we are still talking about whether it is right to leave the CSTO or to stay there. Even if we want to, we cannot stay. Let's not take senseless historical responsibility, as we were proud, that the dissolution of the USSR started with us, the Karabakh movement.
While in fact the movement was a consequence of the disintegration of the USSR, an attempt to save Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh from the geopolitical apocalypse, which we successfully passed because the country's leader knew that the USSR was dying.

The collapse of CSTO left Nagorno Karabakh in ruins. The forty-four-day war was a consequence, because in the 2010s Armenia's political elite did not find someone deep enough to understand and admit. if Russia, the backbone of the CSTO, sells five billion dollars worth of super-modern weapons to non-CSTO member Azerbaijan, against CSTO member Armenia, then that structure is no longer dead, at least for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

The Turk says: He who goes to hell is looking for a friend. The further away from the CSTO, the better."