
We lost Nagorno-Karabakh because the relations with the strategic ally were ruined. Vahram Atanesyan

Vahram Atanesyan, a former member of the Central Committee of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh National Assembly, wrote on his Facebook page:

"In the 80th year of victory over fascism, the governor of nuclear-powered Belgorod Russia, Gladkov, is going from settlement to settlement urging people to leave because 'it's not safe here.' President Putin signed an order that each "evacuee" person would receive 10,000 rubles (40,000 AMD) of financial support.

In April-August, criminal prosecution was initiated against six high-ranking Russian Ministry of Defense officials. They are accused of misappropriating funds allocated to the warring army. One of them has a 467 sq/m private house in London. The Russian poet's "Who lives well in Russia" is remembered. We lost Nagorno-Karabakh because the relations with the strategic ally were ruined."