
This is an anti-Armenian and anti-Iranian publication and an anti-Washington one. Anna Davtyan-Gevorgyan

Iranologist Anna Davtyan-Gevorgyan wrote on her Facebook page.

"Not every Iranian-language periodical is an Iranian source and not every website and think tank established in Washington is official. The "Iran International" website is a website with anti-Iranian ideology and, according to various sources, with Saudi funding.

The fact that news appears on this website that Armenia and Iran have signed a military agreement not only on the supply of weapons but also on the deployment of an Iranian military base in Armenia should be considered from two perspectives: anti-Iranian and anti-democratic in the context of domestic US policy.

It is no coincidence that the article also contains comments from analysts of the "Middle East Institute" think tank. This think tank also has financial ties with the Saudis and strongly criticizes the Iranian policy of the democratic government. The American republican circles are in favor of the inadmissibility of dialogue with Iran and resolving issues with it militarily, and especially during the pre-election period, they will do everything to show that the Iranian "threat" has increased as a result of the Democrats' policy and that Washington's involvement in our region has increased the Iranian military presence.

Naturally, Azerbaijan also takes advantage of this circumstance, "reminding" in every possible way that Iran's regional policy includes relations with Armenia.

In other words, this is not only an anti-Armenian and anti-Iranian publication, but also an anti-Washington publication, and its pre-election context should be discussed."