
"Movement" pursues the goal of hiding the deep causes of the Artsakh tragedy. Atanesyan

Vahram Atanesyan, a former member of the Central Committee of Armenia and the Artsakh National Assembly, wrote on his Facebook page.

"To say that the deportee from Artsakh does not have the right not to join the "Tavush for the Motherland" movement because they "became homeless because of Nikol's fault" means to ensure the NKR authorities not only of the objective but also of historical responsibility. And it simply follows that the "movement" and its information-propaganda creature are pursuing the goal of hiding the deep causes of the Artsakh tragedy, enslaving future generations of Armenians to mythology.

The reasoning has already been given. Even if crimes were committed in Artsakh, they are not the business of the law enforcement system of Armenia. The burden of keeping Artsakh was on the shoulders of the taxpayer of Armenia; the duty of sacrifice in the war was the citizen of Armenia, and here, for handing over the land and homeland saved from the blood of the beast by the blood of his children, he has no right to demand an answer from the apical official of Artsakh. Artsakh was a ghetto for a quarter of a century; let's grant immunity to everyone today. Is this what the "Srbazanyan Movement" wants to say?