
I will not take it upon myself to say it is so, but it is a hypothesis. Rubinyan

NA Deputy Speaker Ruben Rubinyan wrote on his Facebook page.

"It is very realistic that this government is capable of any ugliness, including calling on Azerbaijan to attack, so that I blame this movement."
Archbishop Mikael Adjapahyan, 05.15.2024

"They had the opportunity to prevent the disaster in Lori and Tavush. They may have done it intentionally (did not prevent the disaster) to prevent our demonstration. I won't even take it upon myself to say it is so, but it is a hypothesis."
Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, 30.05.2024, a little while ago

I hope His Holiness will forgive me if I humbly dare to express the opinion that the opposition movement led by him has started to affect the emotional backgrounds of his subordinates negatively. Perhaps the hearts of the venerable saints have become so filled with hatred that this has begun to cloud their intelligence.
I won't even take it upon myself to say it is so, but it is a hypothesis."