
"I felt the love of the fans in the team from the first moment." Sevikyan

"Pari Nizhny Novgorod" midfielder Edgar Sevikyan said what the main difference is between Armenia and Russia. He singled out the climate and people's attitude towards the national football team.

"What is the main difference between Armenia and Russia? First, the climatic conditions. It is much warmer in Armenia. Secondly, I can't say that something like this hasn't happened in Russia, but from the first moment, I felt the love of the fans on the team. The same applies to the team and the federation. That is very impressive. It was nice how they greeted you. We held an open training session for the fans. About two thousand people came. At that moment, you understand how much people are overwhelmed by love for the national team," Sevikyan said to "Sport-Express."