
Even communicating with partners on international platforms is considered by Russia to be a demonstrative anti-Russian gesture. Alain Simonyan

NA Speaker Alen Simonyan wrote on his Telegram channel.

"It turns out that even communicating with partners on international platforms is considered by Russia to be a demonstrative anti-Russian gesture. Armenia should not share with anyone, not participate in any other platform, not even say hello to anyone.

These are perhaps the "right federal" ideas. Armenia should always be ontologically dependent on the "ally." Armenia should always be afraid, terrified that if the "ally" is not there, they will kill it; that fear and that sword should always hang over the head of the Armenian to be the "ally."

P.S. And it is interesting, for example, the sale of billions of dollars worth of arms to Azerbaijan, which is in an active state of war with Armenia, and the apparent non-fulfillment of obligations under the agreements with Armenia; what is the same logic?