
"The participation of the French president in the Pashinyan-Aliev meeting in July is highly doubtful;" Atanesyan

Vahram Atanesyan, a former member of the Central Committee, analyst, wrote on his Facebook page.

"The French ambassador to Baku was invited to the Foreign Ministry. He was asked to explain "several statements in the press and some words of the French president" regarding Emmanuel Macron's meeting with representatives of the Armenian community in Marseille.

Can you imagine the situation of the French diplomat? Should explain to the MFA of Azerbaijan that only the Elysée Palace disseminates official information about the meetings of the French president, and Paris bears no responsibility for what the "press" wrote. (in fact, the official website of the ARF).

And what is the benefit of Armenia, Artsakh, and the Armenian people from all this? The thing to lose is clear; yhe participation of the French president in the alleged Pashinyan-Aliev meeting with the mediation of European Council President Michel in July is highly doubtful."