Eduard Hakobyan, chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia, hosted Ambassador Vassilis Maragos, Head of the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Armenia.
The Chairman of the State Revenue Committee, Eduard Hakobyan, highly appreciated the EU's support in customs and tax administration for many years and the effectiveness of the long-term relationship between the parties. During the meeting, the Chairman of the State Revenue Committee presented the bilateral cooperation agenda, particularly the reconstruction and modernization of the Agarak checkpoint, the construction of foreign economic activity service centers in Sisian and Yerevan, and their current status and problems.
The program for infrastructure modernization at border checkpoints launched with the EBRD was also discussed, outlining further directions for implementation directions, the importance of implementing the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the EU in the context of customs reforms, and the work currently underway within the framework of possible EU technical assistance.
At the end of the meeting, the importance of continuing cooperation with the EU with a more comprehensive agenda was emphasized, considering the prospects for development and the priorities within the framework of integrated border management arising from the common RA-EU agenda.