
Weather without precipitation is expected

On February 18, no precipitation is expected in the Republican territory. On February 19 and 22, in separate regions, and on February 20 and 21, snow is expected in a significant part of the regions, in some intensive areas.

The wind is southeast, 2-5 m/s. On February 18 and 19, a wind speed of 20-25 m/s is expected, and on February 20-21, 15-18 m/s. The air temperature will rise by another 2-3 degrees during the day on February 18, and on February 20-22, it will gradually decrease by 10-14 degrees at night and during the day.

No precipitation is expected in Yerevan on February 18 and the night of the 19th. Snow is expected in the afternoon of February 19 and on the 20th-22nd, and intense snow is expected on the night of the 20th and during the day of the 21st.