
The air temperature will drop by 10-14 degrees

The “Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center” SNCO reports that no precipitation is expected in Yerevan on February 17, 18, and 19.

Snow is expected on February 19 in the afternoon and February 20-22, and it will be intense on the night of the 20 and during the day of the 21.

In the regions, no precipitation is expected on February 17 and 18.

Snow is expected in some regions on February 19 and 22 and in most regions on February 20 and 21, with intense snowfall in some areas.

The south-easterly wind is 2-5 m/s on February 18-19, and wind speed is expected to increase to 20-25 m/s on February 20-21 at 15-18 m/s.

The air temperature will gradually rise by another 2-3 degrees during the day on February 17-18 and decrease by 10-14 degrees both at night and during the day on February 20-22.