
Work activities of RA citizens in Qatar will be regulated

The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, Narek Mkrtchyan, and the Minister of Labor of the State of Qatar, Ali bin Samikh Al-Marri, signed an agreement to regulate the work activities of RA citizens in the State of Qatar's territory.

Emphasizing this new format of cooperation between the two countries, ASR Minister Narek Mkrtchyan stressed the importance of the friendly and multi-sectoral relations between the Republic of Armenia and the State of Qatar and noted that the signed document would provide an opportunity to add another layer to those relations, particularly in the field of work and employment.

"We attach importance to signing agreements on organized labor migration with our friendly countries. This gives Armenian specialists and workers involved in various fields the opportunity to exchange experience, work for certain periods in other countries, and at the same time feel more protected in the context of the realization of labor rights", added Minister Narek Mkrtchyan.

The Minister of Labor of the State of Qatar, Ali bin Samikh Al-Marri, noted that this agreement is also important for the State, as it will allow it to attract skilled and talented people to the labor market.

"The State of Qatar pays great attention to the rights of migrant workers, and this is an important part of the 2030 vision. We pursue the rights of employees who have acquired experience or work with us from other countries. Let's try to use this document to involve Armenian workers in the Qatari labor market," the minister said.

The partners also presented the sectoral reforms implemented in the two countries in recent years and discussed the set priorities.
Within the framework of the signed agreement, the Government of the Republic of Armenia undertakes to initiate all necessary measures so that citizens of the Republic of Armenia who wish to work in the State of Qatar will be facilitated in obtaining passports and travel permits, medical examination procedures, and providing these citizens with all the necessary information.

The Government of the Republic of Armenia will also ensure that before leaving the Republic of Armenia, the citizens of the Republic of Armenia who are going to work in the State of Qatar have a job offer that will be duly signed by the employer in the State of Qatar and approved by the Ministry of Labor of the State of Qatar.

The Government of RA will ensure that before departure, employees are provided with proper instruction/orientation on relevant laws, regulations, policies, procedures, norms, cultures, and practices related to employment, the support, and information provided by the Ministry of Labor of the State of Qatar.

All necessary measures will also be taken to ensure the legal protection of citizens traveling to the State of Qatar so they can work by the relevant laws and procedures in both countries.

To implement the goals of the signed agreement, the Government of the State of Qatar will ensure that the entry of RA citizens into the State of Qatar and their work activities there comply with the relevant laws and procedures in force in both countries.

Within the meeting, the ministers of the two countries discussed several other directions of cooperation in the field of work and agreed to implement the agreements reached.