
27 companies represent Armenia in Riga

RA Minister of Economy Gevorg Papoyan and Deputy Minister Narek Hovakimyan participated in the 29th Riga Food 2024 international exhibition of food, beverages, food processing technologies, packaging, innovation, HoReKa, and shop equipment and services organized by BT1 international exhibition company in Riga, Latvia.

The Republic of Armenia participates in the exhibition with a unified Armenian pavilion, presenting products of 27 Armenian companies (alcoholic beverages, beverages, chocolate, tea, ready-made food, etc.). The minister visited the exhibition booths and familiarized himself with the presented products.

This year, the exhibition will host 12 countries with national pavilions, as well as companies and trade network representatives from Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Georgia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, Poland, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Germany, Sweden, France, and other countries.