
US partners have transferred their experience to water patrols

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Arpine Sargsyan and Deputy of the National Assembly Alkhas Ghazaryan visited Sevan to observe the second stage of extended training of Water Patrols.

Within the framework of the US Department of Justice's ICITAP program, Ken Het, an expert from the USA, presented details on the training of Water Patrolmen, referred to the training conducted in the direction of boating skills in risky conditions, rescue assistance, observing the rules of operation of watercraft, and the recorded results.

"We got acquainted with the exercises and preparation of water patrols. I can assure you that they work with quite a few professional people. Being present and observing the conduct of the service, I feel more confident in the water patrols. I am thrilled that we already have such a trained staff today," said MP Alkhas Ghazaryan.

The experts will provide an appropriate report, based on which future training methods will be outlined in different directions.

"These professional trainings should be regular so that the water patrols can perform their service more skillfully and professionally," said Albert Martirosyan, commander of the battalion of the Gegharkunik Marz of the PS Gegharkunik.

In addition, US partners transfer their experience to water patrols and train trainers who will later train local officers.

"I attach importance to institutionalizing existing capacities in the educational process. Good and continuous education should ensure the personnel are in place, permanent, stable, and can improve their skills due to exchanges of various experiences," said Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Arpine Sargsyan.

Thirty-two water patrols participated in the retraining that started on August 19, and they will continue their service with higher training.