
The German Embassy offers a simplified visa procedure

The German Embassy in Armenia has issued a message offering a new opportunity to apply for a secure procedure to enter Germany and obtain a long-term residence visa.

"The new Auslandsportal platform enables you to apply for a visa to enter Germany and for your long-term stay in Germany in an easy and safe procedure. Complete your application online and submit it to the German Embassy in Yerevan to check its completeness in advance. That way, you can best prepare for the expedited personal interview at the embassy, ​​during which you will present your biometric data (fingerprint and photo) without prior registration on the waiting list.

In the current pilot phase, online application options are only available for certain types of long-stay visas (so-called National visas). The opportunities to apply online for other types of visas, especially for the Chance card, will follow step by step," the message said.