
The possibility of France's participation in building a new power unit was highlighted

On July 23, the delegation led by the Ambassador of the French Republic to Armenia, Olivier Decotigny, visited the Armenian NPP, including specialists from the French company Framatom.

During the meeting with the management of the ANPP, essential issues of interest to both parties were discussed, the areas of the ANPP's activity where Armenian-French cooperation is possible were discussed, and the works and projects that were successfully implemented in the ANPP together with the Framatom company were mentioned. They were using French technologies.

Among the projects already implemented or planned shortly, the possibility of France's participation in cooperation with various countries to build a new power unit in Armenia was significant.

The NPP leadership expressed readiness to cooperate with the French side in this important matter and to study the proposals on reactor technologies.

At the end of the meeting, the parties presented their proposals. They hoped that effective and mutually beneficial cooperation in the considered areas could be started shortly.