
The team promotes business education. CaseKey Academy opened

The opening of CaseKey Academy promises to breathe new life into business education in Armenia. The Academy opened its doors to young professionals and students to develop business skills and promote international cooperation.

According to Arshak Karapetyan, the co-founder of CaseKey, the Academy will make Armenia's educational system more competitive in the international arena and set a new benchmark in this field.

Trusting the CaseKey team and considering the years of practical cooperation, Team Telecom Armenia has become a partner of the Academy.

Hayk Yesayan, CEO of Team, shared the company's IPO with the guests and discussed the importance of teamwork and leadership during large-scale projects. Congratulating the founders and students of the Academy, he said:

"As a leading company in the telecom industry, Team Telecom Armenia will continue to invest in education and partner with leading companies and organizations to provide the best opportunities for our youth."

The Academy is the educational component of the CaseKey competition. The program was developed in collaboration with Peter Verhalen, a professor from North Carolina, USA, and head coach of the university's business problem-solving team. Verhalen will also lead the entire educational program.

"This program will allow Armenian students to equip themselves with global business analysis skills, improve their experience, and create the prerequisites to become tomorrow's leaders. I thank Team Telecom Armenia for providing students with this opportunity," said Peter Verhalen.

The interest in participating in the Academy's courses has been so great that the organizers added the distance course format. Instead of the planned 100, 190 students from different universities in Armenia will participate in the two-month intensive training. Professor Verhallen will also work with local coaches, transferring his international experience and sharing effective coaching techniques. At the end of the project, the teams have to solve a real business problem.

Telecom Armenia OJSC (trademark: Team Telecom Armenia) is an Armenian company leading in the country's telecommunications and information technology sectors. Being the heir of the first telecom network in Armenia, the company has more than 100 years of service provision history. The team provides:

Mobile and fixed internet.
Digital television.
Mobile and fixed telephony services to individual and corporate subscribers.
Team Telecom Armenia aims to provide high-quality telecommunication services to all residents of Armenia. To achieve this, the company constantly modernizes and re-equips mobile and fixed networks and launches new international channels, increasing the reliability and security of the Internet in Armenia.