
The EU will support the construction of educational complexes and laboratories in Armenia

The financing agreement "EU support for education in Armenia" was signed between Armenia and the European Commission, by which the European Union will provide budgetary support to Armenia on a grant basis. 2023 The agreement, which came into force on September 12, is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Armenia's educational system in 2021-2026. To the educational reforms defined by the government program, in particular, to the implementation of the state plan for the development of RA education up to 2030 and the resulting action plan. by the European Commission in 2023, 5 million euros were transferred to the RA government in December, and in 2024 in May: 1.5 million euros.

The "EU support for education in Armenia" agreement envisages the creation of renovated and equipped ICT laboratories in all 330 schools of Ararat, Kotayk, and Gegharkunik marzes of RA and the training of teachers using modern methodology.

It is also planned to build 13 educational complexes in the Syunik region, 7 in Kapan, and 6 in Goris. The design budget documents for these complexes have been approved, and the construction of some schools has already started.

In addition to building, renovating, and creating laboratories, the program supports improving the national system for evaluating student learning outcomes.

Additional technical assistance will be provided to the Ministry of Education and Culture to ensure the effective implementation of the state development plan of RA education until 2030 at all levels.