
The Ministers of Defense of Armenia and India signed a protocol

On May 14, the first defense consultations between the Ministries of Defense of Armenia and India took place in the administrative complex of the RA Ministry of Defense, under the chairmanship of Levon Ayvazyan, the head of the Department of Defense Policy and International Cooperation of the RA Ministry of Defense, and Shri Vishwesh Negi, the Joint Secretary of the Indian Ministry of Defense for International Cooperation.

India's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia, Nilakshi Saha Sinha, and military attaché Brigadier General Naveen Nijhawan also participated in the consultations. During the consultations, the course and development prospects of Armenia-India cooperation in the defense field were discussed, including military technology, personnel military education and tactical training, exchange of experience, and other fields.

Issues related to regional security were also discussed. Levon Ayvazyan presented the ongoing reforms in the RA Armed Forces.

At the end of the consultations, the protocol on the results of the consultations was signed. This protocol provided for the creation of a joint working group on bilateral defense cooperation issues and approved the 2024-2025 cooperation plan between the Defense Ministries of Armenia and India.