
The fourth session of the RA-EU Customs Subcommittee took place

The delegation headed by SRC Deputy Chairman Ashot Muradyan participated in the fourth session of the Customs Affairs Subcommittee under the Comprehensive and Extended Partnership Agreement signed between the Republic of Armenia and the European Union in a video conference format.

During the session, the processes related to the customs sector were discussed, as well as the provisions of bilateral interest regarding which the European Union can provide support. The parties presented the changes in their customs legislation over the past year and the possibilities of using EU technical tools in the direction of customs cooperation. The meeting highlighted the EU's support to Armenia over the years.

Reference was made to cooperation in the fight against smuggling. The main achievements and further steps aimed at combating offenses against intellectual property objects were highlighted.

The EU has presented the current state of implementation of the current Import Control System, which implies the use of an advanced information system for cargo transportation in the EU. The stages and mechanisms of the system's introduction in the EU member states were also presented.

During the session, reference was also made to RA's application process to obtain observer status within the framework of the Convention "On General Transit Procedure and Formulations in Trade of Goods" in 2021. The parties once again noted the close economic and commercial partnership relations established between the EU and the Republic of Armenia and expressed confidence that they will continue.