
The Chief Commissioner of the Diaspora met with representatives of the Armenian community in Melbourne

As part of his visit to Melbourne, Chief Commissioner of the Diaspora Zareh Sinanyan visited the Armenian Apostolic Church of St. Mary the Virgin and met with the spiritual pastor, Ter Khacher Harutyunyan.

In the church, Zareh Sinanyan participated in a meeting with the representatives of the local Armenian community, in which he presented the main directions for working with the diaspora and answered many questions from the attendees.

Representatives of the Melbourne branch of AGBU, the "Sahakyan" social club, the Azat Gharibyan dance ensemble, representatives of the Armenian Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, and other community members were present at the meeting.

The Armenian community of Melbourne is about 10,000. Several structures operating in the spiritual, educational, and cultural spheres actively participate in community life. Zareh Sinanyan also gave an interview to Australian Armenian radio station "SBS" in Melbourne.