
The "Armenian Defense Act" bill was submitted to the US House of Representatives

On February 8th, Democratic Congressmen Frank Pallone Jr. and Gabe Ammon, along with Republican Congressmen Mike Lawler and Gus Bilirakis, introduced the Defense of Armenia Act in the US House of Representatives, which proposes to suspend the repeal authority of Resolution 907 of the Freedom Support Act. American Armenian structures inform about it. "Voice of America" writes about this.

Resolution 907 states that the United States "may not provide funds to the Government of Azerbaijan until the President determines and so reports to Congress that the Government of Azerbaijan is taking clear steps to end all video blockades and other offensive uses of force against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh." After 9/11, the administration temporarily suspended this resolution to exempt Azerbaijan from the provisions of Resolution 907.

The legislation was introduced when the Senate voted to pass S.3000, also known as the Armenian Defense Act, led by Democrat Senator Gary Peters and Republican Senator Marco Rubio.