
Will the Rome Statute be applied against Aliyev? The minister elaborated

Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan referred to the entry into force of the Rome Statute and the initiation of legal proceedings against Azerbaijani war criminals within its framework.

"It has been 7 days since the Rome Statute entered into force, but we have not been working for 7 days, but for 2-3 months, the specialists of our Ministry of Justice, together with the employees of the International Legal Affairs Office, have prepared a legislative package, the basis of which is compliance with international standards. And to the requirements of the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, which will bring us to the right field of international criminal justice," he said. According to Minasyan, this international agreement provides an opportunity to include international tools for detecting war crimes in legislation and experience.

To the question of Artur Khachatryan, deputy of the "Hayastan" faction, whether a lawsuit will be filed against Ilham Aliyev personally, the minister said: "It is the ratification and implementation of such international agreements into the state system that forces both our and future governments to act by international principles," explained the minister.

According to him, if guilt is found, there will be responsibility within the framework of the convention.