
Precipitation is expected in some regions, and a thunderstorm is expected in several regions

Precipitation is expected in separate regions on the republic's territory on February 5 and 6 in snow in the mountainous areas. Weather without rainfall is expected on February 7-9.

The wind is southwesterly at 2-5 m/s, wind intensification is expected in some places: 20-25 m/s on February 5, 30-35 m/s on February 6th, 15-20 m on the 7th /v. In the mountainous areas of Shirak, Aragatsotn, Kotayk, Vayots Dzor, Syunik, and Gegharkunik, a thunderstorm is expected on the mentioned days. The air temperature will gradually rise by 12-14 degrees on February 5-9.

Light and short-term precipitation is possible in Yerevan on February 5 and 6. Weather without rainfall is expected on February 7-9. On February 6, wind intensification with a speed of 18-23 m/s is expected.