
Precipitation, snow, and thunderstorms are expected in mountainous regions

On December 23, 24, and 25 nights in the republic's territory, precipitation is expected in most regions, snow and blizzards in the mountainous areas, and ice on the roads. Weather without rainfall is expected on December 25, 26, and 27 afternoons.

The wind is southwesterly, 2-5 m/s, on December 26; in some places, wind intensification is expected to be 14-17 m/s on December 23-25, at a speed of 20-25 m/s. The air temperature will rise by 4-6 degrees in the afternoon on December 25-26.

Precipitation is expected in Yerevan on December 23 and 24, on the night of the 25th, with wet snow in the upper part of the city and sleet in the lower part. Weather without precipitation is expected on December 25 and 26-27 afternoon. Wind intensification is scheduled for December 23 and 24, with a speed of 17-20 m/s.