Weather without precipitation is expected in Yerevan today in the afternoon, on October 7 and 8, and night on the 9th and the 11th. Rain is expected in the afternoon of October 9 and on the 10th, and fog is possible. Wind intensification is scheduled on October 9, with a 15-18 m/s speed.
Weather without precipitation is expected in the regions today in the afternoon, on October 7 and 8, and night on the 9th and the 11th. On the afternoon of October 9 on the night of the 10th, precipitation is expected in most regions; on the afternoon of the 10th in some areas, fog is also expected in some parts.
Wind: 2-4 m/s from the west; on October 8, wind intensification is expected at 15-18 m/s; on October 8 - 18-22 m/s. On the afternoon of October 6 and 7, the air temperature will gradually increase by 3-5 degrees; on the afternoon of October 9, on the 10th, it will gradually decrease by 8-10 degrees. Weather without precipitation is expected in Nagorno-Karabakh today and tomorrow.