
The armed group of the enemy crossed the RA border and kidnapped the servicemen. IC

On May 26, at 6:30 p.m., servicemen of the N military unit of the RA Ministry of Defense, Harutyun Yuriki Hovagimyan and Karen Ashoti Ghazaryan, transported food to one of the combat positions of the same army unit's guard station, located in the southeastern direction of RA, with a "Kamaz 43114" car. Contact with them has been lost. As a result of the conducted search, the vehicle was found on the road leading to the combat position, in the area behind the parts of the RA Armed Forces, with the engine running, one AK-74 assault rifle was found in the vehicle, but the mentioned two servicemen were not found.

According to preliminary data, the armed group of the enemy crossed the RA border and kidnapped the service members.

Taking into account that there are data containing the characteristics of criminal acts of illegal crossing of the state border of the Republic of Armenia by the service members of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, kidnapping of servicemen, transporting them against their will or ignoring their will, stealing weapons and ammunition, the Ninth Garrison Investigative Department of the Main Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee Article 191, Part 2, Clauses 1, 5, 6, 9, Article 338, Part 2, Clause 1, and Article 469, Part 3, Clause 2 of the Criminal Code Criminal proceedings have been initiated according to the features of paragraph 1.

Necessary large-scale operational and evidentiary measures are being carried out to fully clarify the circumstances of the border's illegal crossing by the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan and the abduction of the service members.