
RA and UAE will carry out necessary work to promote the values of tolerance and coexistence

RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs informs. "Emphasizing the role of tolerance and coexistence in the field of social protection and studying the best practices of the United Arab Emirates in this direction, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence of the UAE in the United Arab Emirates on May 10.

Within the framework of the memorandum, the parties undertook to carry out necessary work in the areas of mutual interest in promoting the values of tolerance and coexistence, as well as exchanging experiences.

An agreement was reached to combine efforts in work aimed at different social groups (children, older people, people with disabilities, people in a difficult life situation and subjected to violence, labor migrants, etc.), as well as in strengthening tolerance and human values in the educational system and several other directions.

The parties have undertaken to discuss the issue of forming a joint working committee (committee), which aims to develop and implement programs of mutual interest."