Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan hosted the International Finance Corporation (IFC Group) delegation headed by Rana Karadsheh, Regional Director of IFC Europe. The meeting was also attended by Ivana Fernandes Duarte, Regional Director of IFC South Caucasus, Carolin Geginat, Head of WB Armenia Office, and Arman Barkhudaryan, Senior Representative of IFC in Armenia.
Congratulations to Mrs. Karadsheh on her appointment; the Deputy Prime Minister highly appreciated the cooperation with the IFC and emphasized the IFC's role in developing business culture and promoting corporate governance principles in the private sector of Armenia.
The interlocutors discussed the IFC's current programs and exchanged ideas on developing the capital market in Armenia. Continuity of SME support and trade financing programs was emphasized on both sides. They've referred to the programs implemented in the field of energy.