In today's session, the executive approved the proposal to sign Amendment No. 2 of the financing agreement No. CAM 1002 06 D of April 23, 2020, between the RA government and the French Development Agency.
The project aims to develop a modern irrigation system through technical assistance (4.4 million euros) and investments (5.6 million euros), eliminating barriers related to water storage, irrigation infrastructure, land consolidation, and access to advisory services and loans. It will be implemented in the Ararat and Armavir regions, which, with a population of around 500,000 and 65 percent irrigated land, have the potential to significantly promote the modernization of agricultural production in Armenia.
The program consists of 3 main components, including sub-components: institutional support for national and local stakeholders involved in irrigated agriculture, improved agricultural output, communication, and project management costs.
Investments in irrigation infrastructure will promote agricultural development and improve coordination and interaction between the two central ministries involved in irrigated agriculture, both at the central and local levels.