
Today is the Candlemas day.

On February 13, it is Trndez or Tearnandarazh. A holiday commemorates the offering of 40-day Jesus to the Temple.

Tearnandarazh (Trndez, Tandarej, Tndalesh, Tarinj-taking, etc.) is one of the fixed holidays of the Armenian Apostolic Church and is celebrated on February 13, 40 days after the feast of Christ's Christmas and Epiphany.
According to church tradition, when Jesus is brought to the temple, the doors on the eastern side, which had not been opened before, are opened with a loud bang, and people come out of their houses with their lamps to see why there was such a commotion.
They unwittingly light Jesus' path to the temple with their lamps. This is where "Tearnandarazh" came from, the presentation of Jesus at the Temple of Jerusalem, and is the day the church candles are blessed.  The sacrament of the holiday is to meet the Lord.

The ritual ceremony of Tearnandarazh begins on the evening of February 13; according to the church calendar, the day changes after the evening service, and February 14 starts on the evening of February 13.