
Representatives of the US Embassy met with the chairman of the RA Anti-Corruption Committee

The Chairman of the RA Anti-Corruption Committee, Sasun Khachatryan, received Alexis Haftvani, Director of the Bureau of Anti-Narcotics and Law Enforcement Cooperation ("INL") of the US Embassy in Yerevan, Kevin Orkin, Deputy Legal Attaché of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Kristina Afoyan, Head of the Criminal Justice Reform Program of the US Embassy in Yerevan.

The purpose of the meeting was to summarize the results of specific works already done within the framework of the agenda of close cooperation between the US Embassy and the Anti-Corruption Committee, as well as to discuss the programs planned to provide technical support to the newly created structure, training and involving experts.

Thanking the American side for continuous support and practical cooperation, the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee, Sasun Khachatryan, presented the main results of the committee's activity last year while addressing the main issues and priorities related to personnel training and capacity development. Taking into account the rich experience of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation in the field of combating corruption, the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee emphasized the improvement of the professional knowledge and abilities of the Committee's employees with the help of the representatives of that structure, especially by presenting practical experience and specific cases.

The parties also considered the need to introduce the latest information technologies and purchase equipment with more excellent technical capabilities to increase the examination's effectiveness and the training opportunities for specialists responsible for their operation.

Embassy representatives also thanked the leadership of the Anti-Corruption Committee for close partnership relations and open and transparent activities, emphasizing that the work carried out with the Committee is a perfect example of practical cooperation. They hoped the new programs planned within the mentioned cooperation would be implemented more efficiently.