The European Parliament adopted the resolution "Implementation of a new European agenda for culture and a new EU strategy for international cultural relations."
The resolution refers to protecting cultural values in conflict zones and condemns the purposeful destruction of historical, artistic, and cultural heritage during recent conflicts.
Based on the amendment signed by Nathalie Loiseau/Renew Europe/France, the chairman of the subcommittee on security and defense issues of the European Parliament, and co-signed by Petras Auštrevičius/Lithuania, a member of the same faction, Azerbaijan's continuous destruction of Armenian cultural values in Nagorno-Karabakh is also clearly criticized. Politics.
Item 78 of the resolution, in particular, states: "The European Parliament calls on the Commission to strongly condemn the destruction of historical, artistic and cultural heritage during recent conflicts, as well as the systematic and purposeful destruction of historical, artistic and cultural heritage with political or ideological motives. The European Parliament calls on the Commission to also strongly condemn the radical elimination of the identity and culture of sovereign states, peoples or minorities, including Azerbaijan's ongoing policy of destroying and denying Armenian cultural heritage in and around Nagorno-Karabakh."
The resolution was adopted last December.