
Polytechnic students will now learn programming with 200 new computers; Tigran Avinyan (PHOTOS)

Tigran Avinyan, the chairman of the Board of Trustees of ASSU, informed on his "Facebook" page that with the support of Team Telecom Armenia, new auditoriums were opened at the university.

"Today, with the support of Team Telecom Armenia, the Department of Algorithmic Languages and Programming of the Polytechnic classrooms were opened, equipped with new computers and other equipment. Supporting academic education is the best example of corporate social responsibility, which provides an opportunity to educate a new generation of high-quality professionals.

Polytechnic students with the high-quality education they receive are already in demand to work in technology companies in the future. The quality of teaching ensures the content and the environment in which our students are educated," said Tigran Avinyan's post.


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