
"We must give an answer commensurate with your courage," the Speaker of the National Assembly of France visited the Soldier's House

The delegation led by the Speaker of the French National Assembly, Yael Braun-Pivet, visited the Soldier's House today. To the question of the soldiers, what function does the Paris Home for the Disabled perform? Ms. Yael Braun-Pivet answered that it is the same function as the Soldier's Home, just not in this volume and not in many directions, because the Soldier's Home provides multi-faceted support to the disabled.

"Never back down; keep living in the same style. We must give you what you deserve and answer commensurate with your bravery. That's why I'm here to say that we are with you, and with this visit, Armenian-French friendly ties are getting stronger," she said during the meeting with disabled soldiers.

The President of the French National Assembly took the composition with butterflies made by the boys as a souvenir. By the way, this is the first business plan of the Soldier's House, where all the employees are boys wounded during the war.

The Speaker of the National Assembly of France promised to convey the idea of cooperating with the Soldier's Home to the Home for the Disabled in Paris upon arriving in France. The delegation members thanked the boys of the Soldier's House one by one for their courage and bravery for the motherland, for not giving up, and for rediscovering the meaning of life.